December 2012

Aloha Brethren,

We are about to conclude another year -- a year that proved to be trying, collaborative, productive, and arguably meaningful. It was a trying year in that it tested the extent of our fortitude and commitment to our goals. It was collaborative as we opened up opportunities to work and fellowship together, not only among the brethren in our Lodge but also with those from other Lodges. It was productive, having carried out various programs and activities month after month, throughout the year -- many of them new initiatives. (See photo collage of activities for this year on the center page of this publication, pages 4-5.) And meaningful, in a way that our activities were opportunities for us to experience and live the Masonic principles and virtues we profess in our lectures, charges and obligations.

We dared to dream -- and dream ambitiously. Early in the year, we adopted a busy agenda and committed ourselves to fulfilling it. I have proposed the theme “Sharing Aloha with the World” -- that world being made of our Lodge members, other brethren in the jurisdiction and outside, our families, and the community.  We did our usual degree work, annual get-together parties and picnic, and stated meetings. We responded to specific needs of brethren. We remembered and honored those who have gone before us. We held Masonic education for members and HMC seminar for officers. We reached out not only to our Masonic brethren but to the community, thus promoting a positive image of Freemasonry, and building strong and hopefully lasting bridges that link us with them. We explored out of the box, set up new initiatives, and tried new ideas. We actively engaged ourselves with the community. We volunteered at the Great Aloha Run, held a Masonic Keiki (Child) ID session, and expanded our support for public education. We collected and donated school supplies for needy students, cleaned school campuses, participated in a read-aloud program, helped set up engaging activities for school kids, and were part of their school events. Where Freemasonry was once unknown or misconstrued, it is now a partner and a friend. Currently, we are doing a holiday food drive with the Hawaii Foodbank and I ask you to support this effort.

I thank the officers and brethren who supported and were part of this year’s programs and activities. You are the embodiment of Masonic principles. You have made Masonry alive and truly meaningful, taking it beyond the recitation of esoteric ritual in the Lodge room and transforming it into multiple energies that have inspired and uplifted lives. By your work, you have shared aloha to the world!


May Brotherly Love prevail and every moral and social virtue cement us. 


Brother Raymund Liongson
Worshipful Master, Hawaiian Lodge


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